Composting Made Easy with Effective Microorganisms!
The EM Kitchen Composter is an innovative in-house composting unit that
can be placed under the kitchen sink or other convenient location. Used
in conjunction with EM Compost Starter (bokashi), the system provides the
ideal conditions to activate anaerobic fermentation. Detailed instructions
EM Bokashi consists of wheat bran inoculated with Kyusei EM Microbial Inoculant
EM Bokashi used in conjunction with the EM Kitchen Composter, an innovative
in-house composting unit that can be placed under the kitchen sink or other
convenient location, the system provides the conditions to activate anaerobic
Weeds are the bane of most gardeners' lives. Our products will promote growth
in all forms of soil borne plant life. Early application of our products
will force weeds to grow as soon as the soil temperature is warm enough.
Hoeing as soon as weed seedlings appear will effectively kill off most weeds
at this stage, leave the detritus on the soil, it is full of nutrients.
It will quickly break down into humus. Most perennial weeds will disappear
after one or two seasons use of our products, providing you follow our simple
instructions. Early annual weeds are simply hoed back; later annual weeds
find it difficult to survive due to the increased foliar coverage of the
crop and the plants own defense mechanisms.
It is vital that fermented humus or kitchen waste and garden humus are not
allowed to come into contact with the roots of plants when first applied.
The products are slightly acid in this state. (Approximately pH 4.0). It
is this acidity that will kill most weed seedlings. Once it has been mixed
in the soil for a couple of weeks, the pH level adjusts to that of the soil;
it is then perfectly safe to use with your plants.
A potting and planting medium can be easily made by mixing Fermented humus
or other humus derivatives with a good quality topsoil in a dustbin. Once
the mixture has matured it may be used for raising seedlings, or for planting
out. This method ensures that the new seedlings do not come into immediate
contact with soil treated with fermented humus, it effectively takes out
the guesswork. Ignore any white filament fungal growth that may appear these
are beneficial organisms.
It doesn't matter if the crop is flower, vegetable or grass; using our products
will enhance it. Flower displays will be more prolific with greater foliage
and colour. Vegetables and other kitchen garden produce will be of higher
quality and taste. Cut flowers and vegetables will have a longer shelf life.
Soft fruit will generally mature earlier and be much sweeter. Grass surfaces
will have a lower incidence of fungal disease, while the appearance will
improve. It should be noted that the chlorophyll colour of the leaves may
be a lighter green than you are used to, this is because the plant is not
taking up as much nitrogen as it used to. Over application of nitrogen promotes
a darker green leaf, it also promotes the incidence of parasitic fungal
growth, this in turn can promote a higher incidence of unwanted nematodes
in the soil. Not all nematodes are unwelcome; some will predate on the smaller
parasites in the soil. We look to provide a healthy balance.