Bokashi - Composting with Effective Micro-organisms

Bokashi Composting with Living Soil
Pioneering all the work with Em and Bokashi in the UK since 2001, high quality products
Learning Resources

Introductions and Overviews


Welcoming Bokashi to the UK Composting Scene
Creating pro-biotic compost from domestic food waste.

Essential Reading :
What is Probiotic Composting and EM ?
Frequently asked questions and a simple introduction to what probiotic EM composting is about.

Overview of Living Soil and Our work Pioneering EM and Bokashi in the UK

Using the Kitchen Waste Digester / Compost

This section of learning resources will teach you how to make the most of your kitchen waste digester.


How to improve and extend EM Liquid Culture:
How to make Activated EM
How to dilute, hence extend, and at the same time activate EM liquid culture.


Soil Repair Kit Instructions (Old kit)
How to use the Soil Repair kit to make vibrant living compost.

In the following months we will be bringing even more 'how to' learning guides to using this rich ecological resource. Check back soon !


* Essential Reading *
Start gardening using EM food waste Compost
How to use the compost in the back garden with digging into vegetable beds, flower beds, plant pots and around roots.


How to use EM compost in planters to enjoy beautiful blooming
How to use the compost in planters, plant pots, etc.

Using EM compost with growing potatoes
How to use the probiotic foodwaste compost to grow great vegetables


EM Fundamentals

10 Reasons to Compost
Read 10 reasons why composting can save the world

Composting Made Easy with EM (Efficient Microbes/effective micro-organisms)
The use of EM in composting.

The EM Safety Sheet
Overview on the safety of EM (put in brief, its very harmless, completely non toxic).




The EM Safety Sheet
Overview on the safety of EM (put in brief, its very harmless, completely non toxic).

EM Application Manual For Apnan Countries
Prepared by the Asia-Pacific Natural Agriculture Network, on how to apply probiotic principles to farming.

Beneficial And Effective Microorganisms for a Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
By Teruo Higa and Dr. James F. Parr. A great overview of the diverse applications and benefits of the EM method.

Effective Microorganisms as a Regenerative System of Earth Healing
Application of Effective Microorganisms in intensive organic agriculture could improve health and resilience to toxic load by increasing antioxidants and nutrients up the food chain.

Microorganisms, Mankind and Waste
Overview of microorganisms in organic waste composting.

EM-X : Enzymes and Antioxidants in Detoxification
EM-X questions and answers, an informative introduction into the health benefits of antioxidants.


Effective Micro-organisms and Probiotic Approaches to waste recycling and agriculture around the World
(PDF Documents require Adobe Reader)

EM experiences in the Philippines

More Reports on EM from the Philippines

EM Hawaii Safety Data Sheet (it's good news, in case you don't have Adobe Reader)

Influence Of Effective Microorganisms on Seed Germination and Plantlet Vigor of Selected Crops in Brazil

A Landfill in Samutprakan, Thailand, use EM to Suppress pathogenic microbes and foul odours

Indonesia : EM Improves Quality of Wastewater

Effect of EM on Weed Populations, Weed Growth and Tomato Production in Kyusei Nature Farming - Sri Lanka

Sustainable communities

Indoor Tropical Plants Can Detoxify Air
The maintanance of indoor air quality is an important step in avoiding the cumulation of toxins. Commonly available houseplants can remove volatile compounds from the air. Learn how to protect yourself and your family and friends from the negative health effects of the volatile compounds found throughout the home (eg, carpets, building materials, paint, particleboard etc)

The Spiderplant, Ivy, and other easily aquired plants can eat pollution


Towards a Biospheric Ethic
A new ‘biospheric’ ethic is required, says Edward Goldsmith, major author of "The Blueprint for Survival" and founder-editor of The Ecologist that initiated the environmental movement in Britain. We must place ethical values in their appropriate context, that of mediating sustainable human behaviour in relationship to society, the ecosystem, the biosphere and the cosmos itself.